Ms Shweta*
Yoga Trainer in IP Extension, Patparganj East Delhi
2 years Master's degree in Yoga (MA.) (IGIYS) + Diploma In Yoga
Indira Gandhi Institute Of Yog Service (Delhi Govt. Reg.)
09+ Years
IP Extension, Patparganj Metro Station-I.P.Extension, IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092
IP Extension, Patparganj (East Delhi)-110092
House No ***, Near MUNNA PLUMBERS. PRINCE APARTMENT, I.P.Extension, Patparganj, Delhi 110092.
Ms Shweta residing in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi-110092, is a part of Yoga Team Faculty of "Indira Gandhi Institute Of Yog Service" (Delhi Govt. Reg.). Shweta has completed his Master's in Yoga (MA) from the renowned IGIYS and also done Diploma course 200-hour TTC at Ekam Yogshala in Uttarakhand, India. She also finished Suvi Yoga House's 200-hour Advanced Multi-Style Yoga Instructor Training program in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi. Shweta is a highly trained and adaptable IGIYS-trained yoga instructor who trains her customers across IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi. With many years of experience in practice and teaching of Yoga, Shweta is a skilled and qualified instructor with advanced training in both advanced multi-styled yoga techniques and aerial yoga. Shweta's education system is based on India's real yoga. By linking these ancient teaching methods with contemporary teaching approaches, she provides a strong foundation for both their personal and professional yoga practice to yoga learners. Shweta is one of the best air yoga instructors in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi who teaches Ashtang, Vinyasa Pravah, Surya Namaskar, Ariel Yoga and other meditation techniques. Each of these technologies has a special benefit for mental and physical health. His meditation technique is very useful to increase the coordination between body, mind and soul. By going through regular classes with Shweta, the doctor gets physical energy and learns to breathe together. After working as a freelancer hosting several offline and online workshops in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi, Shweta sees Yoga as a medium that helps learners breathe, relax, meditation and spirituality and relieves stress and anxiety. According to Shweta, we can overcome our human state of bliss and sorrow by reaching our last human capacity through regular practice of Yoga. In Shweta's classes in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi, traditional Hatha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa styles are taught. It integrates spirituality, awareness, strength, flexibility, comfort and physical fitness. Shweta wants you to see the spiritual, subtle, and godly forces of creation to combine with physical activity. There is a huge relief from meditation and asana instructions. His sessions are more than just physical activity. She flashes the techniques of meditation, meditation and rest. She also tries to introduce special items. These can be physical energy or yoga sleep. She tries to provide methods from Tantric and Old Yoga traditions. Shweta teaches physical creation, philosophy and Pranayama. To hire this trainer in IP Extension, Patparganj, East Delhi ❯ Contact us.
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“In Yoga Inhale the future. Exhale the past. सांस लेना जीवन का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है और शांत रहना, सांस, मन, शरीर और आत्मा की एकता ही योग है और योग ही आपकी सांस है। जब हम कोई नया खिंचाव करते हैं या अपना संतुलन बनाए रखने की कोशिश करते हैं, तो यह हमारी सांस है जिस पर हम उस खिंचाव को गहरा करने या नए आसन में सांस लेने पर भरोसा करते हैं। यह वास्तव में कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है - यही वह चीज़ है जो हमें वर्तमान क्षण में लाती है। और जब हम अतीत के बारे में बुरा महसूस करने या भविष्य के बारे में चिंता करने में बहुत व्यस्त होते हैं, तो हमारी सांसें किसी भी स्थिति में हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए हमेशा मौजूद रहती हैं। मुझे यह उद्धरण बहुत पसंद है - क्योंकि यह तनाव, विषाक्त पदार्थों को दूर करने और उन्हें जमा करने और वास्तव में सांस का उपयोग करके, गहराई से अतीत से दूर जाने के लिए बाहर निकालने के बारे में है - जो इस समय आपके लिए कोई मायने नहीं रखता है अभ्यास - आप वास्तव में जाने दे सकते हैं और भविष्य में सांस ले सकते हैं” - ...