Ms Ruchi*
Yoga Trainer in Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi
2 years Master's degree in Yoga (MA) (IGIYS)
Indira Gandhi Institute Of Yog Service (Delhi Govt. Reg.)
09+ Years
The nearest metro station to Sector 9, Rohini in Delhi is Kohat Enclave. Amba Enclave, Pocket 30, Sector 9, Rohini, Delhi, 110085
Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi-110085
House No B***, Near Shop No. B, Pets Worlds Rohini, Ex Mall, Rajapur, Pocket 18, Sector 9, Rohini, Delhi 110085
Ms Ruchi residing in Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi-110085, is a part of Yoga Team Faculty of "Indira Gandhi Institute Of Yog Service" (Delhi Govt. Reg.). Ruchi has completed her Master's in Yoga (MA) from the renowned IGIYS. Ruchi is one of our most popular instructors and delivers home and online yoga training for our clients in areas of Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi-110085. Ruchi is a highly qualified yoga instructor from IGIYS who now lives in Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi. Ruchi is an enthusiastic and committed yoga teacher who trains our clients in Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi. In addition to general yoga instruction, Ruchi focuses on yoga therapy in every class so you can feel more balanced, stronger in your body, and able to let go of anything that is no longer helpful. Yoga Therapy (Jalneti, Shankha Prakshalana, Akshi Tarpan, Oil Pulling and Cupping Therapy) are the various components of this life-changing program. Having previously worked as a yoga instructor at Third Eye Foundation, she integrates her extensive yoga expertise into every session with her clients. In her private yoga sessions, Ruchi also incorporates Sudarshan Kriya (she has done the course from Art of Living) into her sessions depending on the need of customers of Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi. Ruchi places equal emphasis on asana, pranayama and meditation practices and teaches multi style yoga along with yin. Ruchi will create a program that suits your needs and ability and gradually increase the level of difficulty. By training under Ruchi, you will leave each class with greater self-awareness, inner strength and confidence that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. Don't miss this chance to change your life and gain inner peace as well as fitness. Ruchi's teaching method is to include Jalneti, Shankha Prakshalana, Akshi Tarpan, Oil Pulling and Cupping Therapy in her lessons. One type of neti kriya, or cleansing technique for the upper respiratory system, is jalneti. Shank Prakshalana helps in improving digestion, detoxifying the body and purifying the blood. The most effective breathing exercise or technique for harmonizing body, mind, intellect and emotions is Sudarshan Kriya, which Ruchi also teaches in areas of Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi. Practicing Sudarshan Kriya helps detoxify the body and mind by getting rid of accumulated stress, fatigue and bad emotions. It focuses on the deep connection between mind and body, which can be immediately felt by paying attention to the physical sensations that make up the life of the body and that constantly connect with and influence a person's mental life. For each of her clients, Ruchi develops a customized fitness program with the goal of reducing stress and promoting overall calmness. To hire this trainer in Rohini Sector 9, North West Delhi ❯ Contact us.
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βYoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are. Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul, create the symphony of life.β - ...